Meeting Point of Poor and Rich is Bank
_A bank is a broker
between the poor and the rich. The only place where the two meet is in a bank.
The poor brings the money, through saving, and the rich takes it, through
borrowing. A poor person saves the money because they have more money than
their thinking capacity. So they keep the money in the bank so they can go and
think what to do with the money they saved._
*On the other side,
the rich people come to pick that money, through borrowing, because they have
more ideas than the money they have. On a practical side, please show me one
billionaire who got rich through saving and I will show you a million of people
who have money saved in the banks and are still renting the houses that the
Millionaires and billionaires build through the poor people savings which the
rich borrowed from a bank.*
```This one got me thinking.``
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