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18 Major Differences Between Successful and Unsuccessful People

18 Major Differences Between Successful and Unsuccessful People
Success does not come as a result of luck only. It is the results of lots of hard work and struggle, too. Even though not everyone gets the opportunity to be successful, it does not mean that you can’t succeed without it. Successful people have unique personality traits that make them different from the others. According to experts these are the common personality traits that successful people share.

1. Setting goals

First of all, in order to be successful you need to set your goals. Successful people have a clear vision of what they want and how to achieve it. They also set a deadline in order to keep themselves motivated. On the other hand, unsuccessful people don’t set their goals, and even if they do, they don’t do much about reaching them.

2. Not losing focus

Successful people will work hard in order to reach their goal no matter what difficulties arise. They will never lose their focus. But, unsuccessful people can easily get distracted and become very indecisive when they reach the first obstacle.

3. Knowing the value of time

Successful people know the value of time and they are extremely good at managing it. They don’t only appreciate their own, but also the time of other people. They are punctual and manage every hour in the most efficient way. Unsuccessful people don’t appreciate their own or the time of others and are rarely punctual.

4. Focusing on problem solving

Successful people are excellent at solving problems because they have lots of experience looking for solutions. They use their thinking skills to come up with possibilities, alternatives and solutions. Unsuccessful people are bad at solving problems because they usually rely on others during difficult times.

5. Welcoming challenges

No matter if they have big or small challenges, successful people will approach them the same way. They will focus on it and beat it. But, unsuccessful people will run away from challenges because they don’t want to get out of their comfort zone.
6. Approbation and feedback

Successful people don’t like being praised, and are very open to constructive criticism and feedback. They will welcome every new idea and opinion. Unsuccessful people would rather just be praised and will remain unresponsive to any kind of feedback, especially negative one.

7. Focusing on self-improvement

Successful people will want to stay up to date with anything including ideas, trends, competition etc. They will try to find ways to improve their techniques and will work hard in order to master them. Unsuccessful people will never feel the need to improve because they are comfortable with the situation just the way it is.

8. Opportunity in failures

Successful people will always see an opportunity in a failure and will never get demotivated by it. They see failures as a way to learn and improve. Unsuccessful people don’t understand the learning process that arises from failures, and will take them to heart which leads to giving up.

9. Work ethics

Successful people have strong personality traits such as integrity, humility, demeanor, honesty and accountability which gives them a sense of being part of a greater vision. Unsuccessful people rarely have these traits.

10. Being scared of changes

Changes can make us lose focus and can be frightening, but not for successful people. They also welcome changes just the way the accept challenges and will try to get the best of them. Unsuccessful people will rather criticize the changes and talk about the damage they caused.

11. Ownership and accountability

Successful people will never take full credit of anything they do. They will, however, take full responsibility of negative results and will never blame others for their own mistakes or failures. But, unsuccessful people will try to find someone to point their finger to if the outcome is not the way they expected it.

12. Giving due credit

Successful people are aware that their success depends on the people around them who work together towards their goals. Once they achieve the goals, they will let others know they appreciate their hard work which creates a strong future bond. Unsuccessful people will take away the credit even from the person that deserves it the most.

13. Gratefulness and appreciation

Successful people will show their appreciation for others in a genuine way without any hidden reasons. This is one of the important things that are needed to become successful. Being a leader means being encouraging and motivating person. Unsuccessful people will either fake appreciation or will not show it at all because they easily get overwhelmed by jealousy or despise.

14. Shortcuts

Successful people know that there is no shortcut to success, and taking the easy way will never lead to anything worthwhile. They would rather take more complicated routes because they know the result will be worth it.

15. Focusing on goals and people

Besides being focused on their goals, successful people also know it is important to focus on the people who will be on that road to success. They will equally value both. However, unsuccessful people will only focus on their goals and will pressure their team thus creating an unhappy workplace which can only result in bad productivity.

16. Transparency

Successful people also know the value of transparency and accountability because it leads to trust between themselves and their team. Unsuccessful people will be very secretive which can make bonding and creating trust very difficult.

17. Openness and willingness to learn

Successful people are always eager to listen and learn. Unsuccessful people thing they know everything and that nobody can teach them something new. They are bad listeners and will often talk about their experiences without giving others and opportunity to share their point of view.

18. Moving on vs holding grudges

Moving on is necessary for a healthy and peaceful life. People who are willing to forgive will remain focused on their targets without being distracted by grudges. Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, will hold grudges for a very long time which can impede their road to success by affecting their work, attitude and behavior.

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